Commented on The Path of Least Dysfunction:
   "Awww! Such a great place to leave Jaimie and Alexis. He is such a dream boat. Best of luck with all your future writing endeavors! Your writing is so engaging and fun to read that I know your next project will be great! 💕"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Path of Least Dysfunction:
   "Hooray! 💕💕💕"
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on Morningland:
   "Oh no!!! Totally called it. There is something in the water!!!"
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on Poems from a Loquacious Heart:
   "Beautiful. Simply beautiful."
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5 years ago

Commented on Poems from a Loquacious Heart:
   "The last two likes really speak to me"
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5 years ago

Commented on Poems from a Loquacious Heart:
   "Very deep. 😁"
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5 years ago

Commented on Poems from a Loquacious Heart:
   "Great ending! Captures the exuberance of childhood"
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5 years ago

Commented on Poems from a Loquacious Heart:
   "Love the way notes and floats rhyme 💕👍🏽"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Path of Least Dysfunction:
   "Awww - Chris is the sweetest 💕💕💕"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Path of Least Dysfunction:
   "Love this series. Love the line about “Chris is your past- he can’t be the future.” Such a good line. But maybe we DO find our future in our past? Interested to read more!"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Domesticated Poet:
   "It’s so great that you are such a good listener - but it’s important to find someone who can listen to you as well. Your hopes and dreams are valid! Also - for what it is worth - ice cream is my favorite meal!"
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5 years ago

Commented on Vista of a Sisyphean Mind:
   "Beautiful comparison about the stars 💚"
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5 years ago

Commented on Midlife Crisis:
   "I think we all experience this same restlessness I have wonder if I should have done things differently. Very thought provoking meditation."
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5 years ago

Commented on Midlife Crisis:
   "I remember mood rings! :)"
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5 years ago

Commented on Midlife Crisis:
   "I’m a huge fan of technology but you are right - often technology can help create more stress and it is important to unplug sometimes :)"
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on The Path of Least Dysfunction:
   "Oh my! Protagonist has a very challenging decision to make :-)"
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on The Path of Least Dysfunction:
   "Wow! I was not expecting that!"
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on The Billionaire Heartbreaker:
   "What a great beginning! I can really feel the chemistry between these two :-)"
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5 years ago

Commented on Vista of a Sisyphean Mind:
   "What a clever idea- to write a letter to your aspiration! I hope you do keep chasing it :)"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Path of Least Dysfunction:
   "Hooray! I always enjoy chapters in this series. It is so much fun :)"
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5 years ago

Commented on Island of a Thousand Tears:
   "I often think how your poetry would make great song lyrics. :)"
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5 years ago

Commented on Temperate Zone:
   "I like your use of structure in this prose poem. It makes the reader think."
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5 years ago

Commented on Temperate Zone:
   "The repetition of the word "you," is very powerful. Great piece!"
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5 years ago

Commented on Elwin's Banishment:
   "Vanima is so fierce. Can't wait to see what happens!"
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5 years ago

Commented on Elwin's Banishment:
   "Vanima is so fierce. Can't wait to see what happens!"
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on Elwin's Banishment:
   "Vanima is so fierce. Can't wait to see what happens!"
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on Elwin's Banishment:
   "Fraeya is my favorite <3"
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5 years ago

Commented on Elwin's Banishment:
   "Fraeya is my favorite <3"
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on I Wrote You This Poem:
   "I love the last two lines <3"
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on The Path of Least Dysfunction:
   "Nooo! Chris! Come back 💚💚💚 I really enjoy this series. So entertaining and so well written."
    View Discussion.
5 years ago

Commented on Poems from a Loquacious Heart:
   "Your words paint this scene with such vividness even though the piece is so short 💚"
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5 years ago

Commented on My Life as a Rocket Scientist (and other lies I tell myself):
   "A very important message. It is good to be reminded."
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5 years ago

Commented on Blood Transcendent:
   "This was a fun adventure in Cambodia. I enjoy all of the characters!"
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5 years ago

Commented on Island of a Thousand Tears:
   "Interesting exploration of the experience of depression through poetry. Very raw and real."
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5 years ago

Commented on La Flor Manor II: Returning Home:
   "A very intriguing beginning! I really enjoyed the wedding dress scene. I also am interested to know about the main characters’ Backstory and the world. I like the idea of the hero coming from another’s time period :)"
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5 years ago

Commented on Island of a Thousand Tears:
   "The first line of this is so powerful"
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5 years ago

Commented on Poems from a Loquacious Heart:
   "I love the last line 💚"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Path of Least Dysfunction:
   "Oh my goodness! Jaimie - noooooo! Why are you talking to Kelly? Maybe she was right with her gut instinct to postpone the wedding. I’m glad Chris is here!"
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5 years ago

Commented on Colors:
   "Love this line: Chocolate’s a childhood for adults who make their way"
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5 years ago

Commented on Poems from a Loquacious Heart:
   "A very deep little poem. I keep contemplating what it might mean?"
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5 years ago

Commented on I Wrote You This Poem:
   "Beautiful imagery"
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5 years ago

Commented on My Life as a Rocket Scientist (and other lies I tell myself):
   "I am also constantly fighting the demon of procrastination!"
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5 years ago

Commented on Elwin's Banishment:
   "Such an exciting journey. It reminds me of Call if the Wild by Jack london - only with elves!"
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5 years ago

Commented on Temperate Zone:
   "I like the sound of speaking words into a fan contrasted with the loud “bang.” This piece really makes me think 💚"
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5 years ago

Commented on Island of a Thousand Tears:
   "I like the literary allusion to Jekyll and Hyde :)"
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5 years ago

Commented on Colors:
   "Makes me think of spring. Perfect for this time of year. 💚"
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5 years ago

Commented on Island of a Thousand Tears:
   "It’s terrible to feel just like a number :("
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5 years ago

Commented on Land of Wishes:
   "Awww! This is really sweet and not how I expected the story to end. I was all geared up for an epic mermaid battle, but this has a better message 💚"
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5 years ago

Commented on Land of Wishes:
   "I’m interested to see how she can help!"
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5 years ago

Commented on Land of Wishes:
   "I like Marlowe 💚 I really like Herbert and Vera and all the fantasy creatures in this story"
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5 years ago

Commented on Assassin: The Chronicles Of Arith:
   "I really enjoyed this chapter. I like how you used fantasy as a way to explore theodicy. 💚"
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5 years ago

Commented on Morningland:
   "Hooray! Jess! I was worried. They always kill my favorite character. Will they swim to the ship? Can’t wait to find out!"
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5 years ago

Commented on Morningland:
   "Powerfully line: pleading with them in the only language they could understand. Nooo!!’ Jess!"
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5 years ago

Commented on The Domesticated Poet:
   "A very thoughtful meditation on the importance of school and the arts 💚"
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5 years ago

Commented on Persephone Is Rising:
   "Favorite line: future wounds, lacing them through your present pain."
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5 years ago

Commented on Island of a Thousand Tears:
   "I like the metaphor at the end :)"
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5 years ago

Commented on Poems from a Loquacious Heart:
   "Love the alliteration 💚"
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5 years ago

Commented on Poems from a Loquacious Heart:
   "Beautiful! I’m so exited that you are here on Channillo and that I get the chance to read more of your work. You are one of the first Poets I ever met in #WritingConnunity and I enjoy following you!"
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5 years ago